Category: Uncategorized

Goodreads Giveaway!

Back to the library <3

Goodbye, KU (again)
Good afternoon and Happy New Year, you awesomesocks readers of my little blog. This is just a quick post to say that Dewey Belong Together has left Kindle Unlimited and is now available on all major retailers. So wherever you read, you will be able to get your mitts on it. You may find the links on the Smartypants Romance website here.

Instagram 500 Follower Giveaway!
Hi! It’s been an age since I’ve updated this page, but that’s because I’ve been busy with a few things: I recently finished another project for Smartypants Romance, and am writing a book I’ve been planning to finish for about a year now, but life stuff unfortunately got in the way.
I also started a Facebook group, and would love to see you there! You can join Ann Whynot’s Bookish Kitchen Party here: www.facebook.com/groups/annwhynot
And finally, I’ve been followed by 500 lovely folks over on Instagram, and am doing a giveaway of a signed copy of my book in celebration. Don’t miss out, check out www.instagram.com/ann.whynot for your chance to win!
<3 Ann

“So What’d I Miss?” (and KU news!)
My little blog has been offline since the end of August, as we’ve had some difficulties involving a scoundrel hacker who tried to go full on destructor-mode on my web host. Luckily, my data was saved and restored, and I will be checking the website to make sure all the prior data is still in its place.
The real problem was that my email address, ann@annwhynot.com, was offline since August 28th, and while I tried to communicate that via social media, I hope that none of you lovely people emailed me in the last 13 days and thought that I just didn’t care to respond. If you DID email me in the last two weeks, please kindly resend your email and I will get to it right away.
I also have KU news! I have not updated my blog since June as I was busy in the writing cave and didn’t quite realize so much time had gone by. It is almost time for Dewey Belong Together to leave other retailers and become Amazon-exclusive again, free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription. That will happen later this month to coincide with the Fall Launch of Smartypants Romance, so if you are looking to grab Dewey from another retailer, please do so before we zip off to just Amazon!
That’s all for now–again, if I missed your email I am very sorry and hope to hear from you again! /Whynot Out

Goodbye KU, Hello Wide World!
Good morning, you awesomesocks readers of my little blog. This is just a quick post to say that Dewey Belong Together has left Kindle Unlimited and is now available on all major retailers. So wherever you read, you will be able to get your mitts on it. 🙂 Have a great weekend, folks!

My Spring Writing Office
So, I know I’m a little bit late to the party on this whole “spring” deal, but up until this week, it hasn’t felt like spring here on the Nova Scotia coast. It’s been cold, and has kept me firmly inside the writing cave. But suddenly, as if out of nowhere–warmth! I’ve now been doing my writerly business at a table on our screened in deck, which extends to a birch stand on one side, and has a rockin’ view of the gardens on the other. It’s peaceful, with the only real noise the cacophony of birds, has visits from my little chipmunk friend I creatively named “Chippy,” and also, when the wind is right, it smells of the sea. It’s a beautiful place to work, and makes me far more productive and creative than sitting in my upstairs office (ie: childhood bedroom) where multiple photographs of Jensen Ackles are too distracting.
My current work in progress is another work for Smartypants Romance, which I am absolutely thrilled about, and I hope you will stick with me for this journey. I have my next two projects after this planned, and hopefully by next Spring, I’ll have all kinds of things available for you to read. *aura of mystery* *oooooh* Until then, my debut book, Dewey Belong Together (part of the Green Valley Library Series) is available exclusively on Amazon and enrolled in Kindle Unlimited. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome Spring day. Unless you live down under. Then, have a awesome day where I hope you see no spiders.

2 Months!

Almost two months ago, my debut book dropped and you amazing readers/reviewers have made my life so much brighter and exciting. To do something special to mark the two month-iversary of Dewey Belong Together, I’m going to be holding giveaways on my Facebook and Instagram pages. I’ll have a different item up on each page, so if you follow both, you’ll double your chances of getting some cool Green Valley Library/Dewey swag. Have a great week! <3

Unboxing Day
When I was five years old, I wrote my first lengthy story, about my family’s “ginger-coloured” cat named Poco (named after a character on Mr. Dressup, a Canadian children’s show that was a staple of my childhood in the 80’s). I loved writing, and I was hooked. My folks bought me an electric typewriter one year for Christmas and I was off, writing “books.”
My life took me down several career paths, and I never quite imagined my stories would ever see the light of day, so many of them relegated to sit on hard drives. And then, about ten days ago, a ginormous box from Amazon arrived at my house and I finally got to hold in my hands the first book of mine to be published, Dewey Belong Together.
I wanted to share with you my joy with you, so here I am with that first book in my grasp, clutching it like it’s about to be torn from my hands, grinning like mad because it was real.