Book Progress Update!
I’ve learned a valuable lesson on this day. Never hop into a “math fight” on the internet. Just solve it in your head and walk away. 😁
An update about book progress:
I also broke out my whiteboard and made a plan of attack for the week. I’m doing a complete read-through, and to be blunt, adding more romance into Part 1 of my romance novel. And sexy times. I got a lovely Christmas card last year from a reader (you know who you are!) wishing for more steam in my next book. I actually happen to agree.
Part 2 is still a bit of a mess. Chaotic, perhaps. See, I wrote most of it while going through a major change in my psych meds, and while the content is good, the grammar, spelling, and other quirks of an old dictation system in Google docs means huge parts can only be deciphered by me. I use Office now as my main writing tool and its dictation system I find excellent. This is good, because after January’s surgery on my right arm/shoulder I will have need of it.
And circling back to cards, last year some readers sent me splendiferous cards. If you’ve done so again and I haven’t thanked you, it’s because you may not know that Canada had no mail for a month. Our first delivery of backlog starts today, I think. I’m also not comfortable handing out my address anymore, but sometime this year I will get a P.O. box which I would be happy to share. (I love exchanging mail with people).
Take care, all! Xx Ann ❤️